
Audit and Assurance Company Services in Dubai, UAE

Understanding VAT Public Clarification VATP038: Manpower Supply vs. Visa Facilitation Services

Understanding VAT Public Clarification VATP038: Manpower Supply vs. Visa Facilitation Services The Federal Tax Authority's VAT Public Clarification VATP038 provides essential guidance on distinguishing between manpower supply and v...

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Understanding VAT Public Clarification VATP037: Director Services Performed by a Natural Person

Understanding VAT Public Clarification VATP037: Director Services Performed by a Natural Person Introduction The Public Clarification VATP037, which replaces the previous VATP031, is a crucial update in VAT regulations. Eff...

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VAT Compliance Guideline for Financial Institutions engaged in SWIFT Transactions

VAT Compliance Guideline for Financial Institutions Engaged in SWIFT Transactions In the dynamic world of financial transactions, SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) plays a pivotal role in facilitating...

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Enhanced VAT Refunds for Tourists: Exploring the Impact of FTA Decision No. 2 of 2024

VAT Refund for Tourists – Latest Amendments VAT Refunds for Tourists on a significant move aimed at enhancing the VAT Refunds for Tourists, the Federal Tax Authority (FTA) has issued Decision No. 2 of 2024, effective from March 1...

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Understanding Taxes for UAE Property Investment: A Simple Guide.

Navigating Taxability in Property Investment in the UAE When considering an investment in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), real estate investment emerges as the primary consideration. This is not just any natural option but one created...

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Understanding Reverse Charge Applicability on Electronic Products Ministerial Decision No. 262 of 2023

Understanding Reverse Charge Applicability on Electronic Products Ministerial Decision No. 262 of 2023 Issued: 25 Oct 2023 – Effective from 30 Oct 2023 In our modern world, electronic devices have become indisp...

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VAT Penalties in the UAE: FTA's Instalment Plan Solution

Effortlessly Managing VAT Penalties in the UAE The UAE Federal Tax Authority (FTA) offers a solution in the form of Penalty installment plans (PIPs). In this article, we will address your most pressing questions about PIPs, helping you...

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EmaraTax-The new integrated Platform by the FTA

EmaraTax -The new integrated platform by the FTA  As you are aware, the Federal Tax Authority of the UAE will launch a new online platform called EmaraTax, which will enhance the way taxpayers can access the different services the...

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Whistle Blowing Program in the UAE for Tax Violation

Whistleblowing program in the UAE – another approach for ensuring VAT compliance Ensuring VAT compliance is very important in any country to maintain a stable VAT economy and to support businesses with a healthy environment to gr...

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Is export of goods treated as zero rated supply under UAE VAT?

Is the export of goods treated as a zero-rated supply? When the UAE implemented VAT in 2018, the tax rate for export supplies is determined as zero rates. In the first view, it looks simple and easy to implement as the VAT rate is fixe...

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