
Audit and Assurance Company Services in Dubai, UAE

FTA Releases Cabinet Decision No. 108 of 2023 Amending Excise Tax Regulations

Amendments to Executive Regulations of Excise Tax Law The Federal Tax Authority issued Cabinet Decision No. 108 of 2023 on 6th November 2023, amending the Cabinet Decision No. 37 of 2017 on executive regulation of the Federal Decree La...

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  • Nov 13,2023
Updated Corporate Tax Decisions for UAE Free Zones 3rd November 2023

Updated UAE Corporate Tax decisions for Free Zones On 3rd November 2023, The UAE Ministry of Finance issued two significant decisions, Cabinet Decision No.100 of 2023 on Determining Qualifying Income for the Qualifying Free Zone Person...

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Understanding Reverse Charge Applicability on Electronic Products Ministerial Decision No. 262 of 2023

Understanding Reverse Charge Applicability on Electronic Products Ministerial Decision No. 262 of 2023 Issued: 25 Oct 2023 – Effective from 30 Oct 2023 In our modern world, electronic devices have become indisp...

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VAT Penalties in the UAE: FTA's Instalment Plan Solution

Effortlessly Managing VAT Penalties in the UAE The UAE Federal Tax Authority (FTA) offers a solution in the form of Penalty installment plans (PIPs). In this article, we will address your most pressing questions about PIPs, helping you...

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How to Link UAE Pass with ESR Dashboard?

Unlocking Compliance Efficiency: UAE Pass Integration with Economic Substance Regulation (ESR) Economic Substance Regulation is now a known compliance for entities in the UAE. Entities conducting relevant activities as defined in Cabin...

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Transfer Pricing Documentation Threshold Released

Transfer Pricing Documentation Threshold Released - Corporate Tax UAE Transfer pricing is crucial in the UAE to maintain transparency, prevent tax base erosion, ensure fair tax collection, attract for...

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India Increases Withholding Tax Rate: What You Need to Know!

The withholding Tax rate increased from 10% to 20% for the Royalty / Fees for Technical Services received from India The Indian Finance Bill 2023 has received assent from the President on 31 March 2023. This makes the amendments in the...

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UAE Corporate Tax Law – Announcement on small business tax relief

Threshold limit for ‘Small Business Relief’ under UAE Corporate Tax announced vide Ministerial Decision No. 73 of 2023 UAE Corporate Tax Law Article 21 of the UAE Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 20...

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A Public Clarification on the Excise tax Registration of Warehouse Keeper and Designated Zones

Public Clarification on Registration of Warehouse Keeper and Designated Zones The Federal Tax Authority has released a Public Clarification on the Registration of Warehouse Keeper and Registration and Renewal of Designated Zones in the...

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